How to Prepare Your Pet for Boarding

Pet Boarding can be stressful for both you and your pet. At Doggie Dude Ranch in Ames, IA, we provide pet boarding to help your cat or dog stay safe and comfortable while you are away. Before visiting us, we invite you to keep reading to learn how to prepare your pet for boarding!

Visit the Facility

Come visit our facility and see for yourself that it is a first-rate veterinary hospital, seeing that our boarding facilities will keep your pet comfortable and safe. Once you are satisfied you will be ready to prepare your pet for boarding. We have large cages so your pet can move around some. We take some time with each animal to help them feel comfortable and socialized.

Try Boarding Before Your Trip

If you have done pet boarding a few times, the animal will know what is happening and it won't be so bad when you bring her in for boarding. Pets that has never been boarded need a little more preparation with the process. You can bring your pet by for a short stay, half of a day, or one day overnight. For them to get use to the idea of staying in a new place with you. When you drop your pet off try to act as normal as possible. If you are nervous or excited the pet will pick up on that, and will also become nervous. Do not act as if anything unusual is happening.

Making Your Pet Comfortable

In addition to preparing your pet for the physical reality of being in a kennel, there are other things you can do. Bring the dog or cat's favorite blanket, or even bring the animal's bed if you like. You may also bring a toy, but no more than one. The more things the pet is used to, the better when they are in the kennel. If you have two dogs, for instance, we can also work it out for them to be together. You may bring food and snacks for your pet, but we have healthy food available as part of the boarding.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

If you need to board your pet for a day, a week, or more, bring him or her to us for safe boarding. At Doggie Dude Ranch in Ames, IA, we want to take care of your pet, whether that means providing medical services, or simply a place to stay while you are out of town. To learn more about this service or to schedule your appointment, contact us at (515) 382-1444 today. When you need a veterinarian near me, we are happy to assist!

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