Vaccines FAQs

Worried about your pup catching rabies or other serious illnesses? Vaccinations offer a great way to keep your furry friend safe from certain pathogens. But which ones should they get? And how do they work?

Our veterinarian near you at Doggie Dude Ranch in Ames, IA, wants you to understand how vaccines protect your pets. Let’s go over some common questions we get about these veterinary shots — including which ones are the most important!

Vaccines FAQs

What Vaccines Does My Pet Need?

Multiple vaccinations for dogs are available — but not all are recommended or needed. Core vaccines are the ones our vet recommends for all pups. These include:

●          Rabies

●          Canine parvovirus

●          Canine distemper

●          Canine adenovirus-2

●          Canine parainfluenza

Core vaccines for cats include:

●          Rabies

●          Leukemia in kittens

●          Caliciviruses

●          Panleukopenia

●          Viral rhinotracheitis 

Note that some core vaccines, like rabies, are required by law in some areas.

Which Vaccines Are Optional?

Some vaccinations are only recommended for some pets based on their lifestyle or other factors. These non-core vaccines include:

●          Lyme disease

●          Bordetella (kennel cough)

●          Leptospirosis

●          Canine influenza

Non-core vaccines for cats include the following:

●          Bordetella

●          Leukemia in adult cats

●          Feline chlamydiosis 

Note that some pet boarding facilities require certain non-core vaccines to help keep pets safe!

How Do Pet Vaccinations Work?

Our vet gives injections that introduce killed or weak versions of pathogens. Your pet’s immune system uses this to identify these germs — and find ways to stop them from doing harm. This helps prevent serious illness or even death from specific illnesses.

Are Vaccines for Pets Safe?

Yes! We understand you may have some concerns — and we’re here to address those! Vaccines are safe for many pets. In most cases, pets only have mild side effects, such as redness at the injection site.

When Does My Pet Need Shots?

How old is your pet? What shots have they had? Overall, plan to have your pet vaccinated at these times:

●          6 to 8 weeks: first shots

●          10 to 12 weeks: booster shots

●          14 to 16 weeks: booster shots

●          Annually or every 3 years based on vaccine type

Get Veterinary Care and Pet Vaccinations from a Veterinarian Near You Is your pet in need of vaccines? Our veterinarian near you is here to help! Call us for an appointment at Doggie Dude Ranch in Ames, IA. We can make sure your beloved pet is up-to-date on all their vaccinations — and provide any other veterinary care they need! Call us at (515) 382-1444 for veterinary care and pet vaccinations from a veterinarian near you.

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